What We Do



  • Preparation of General Local Plans of the Municipalities of Tepelena, Memaliaj and Selenica, funded by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, and in coordination with the National Agency for Territorial Planning. September 2018 – ongoing
  • Drafting and Design of the Compulsory Local Plan of the Zall – Herr Reconstruction Area, financed by the Municipality of Tirana – environmental assessment of technical proposals made in terms of positioning of new residential buildings, distribution of infrastructure networks and their costs, (2020)
  • Drafting and Design of Compulsory Local Plans for point areas in the Municipalities of Durrës, Shijak, Rrogozhinë, Krujë, Kurbin, financed by the National Agency of Territorial Planning – determination of technical and urban criteria for the reconstruction of individual housing units in the respective Administrative Units, damaged from the November 2019 earthquake; environmental analysis of technical specifications of reconstruction processes, impacts on agricultural territories and necessary measures to eliminate negative effects on the environment; (2020 – 2021)
  • Project Proposal – Revitalization and Management Plan of Apollonia Archaeological Park – analysis of the existing context of development and administration of the park, potentials for the development of cultural tourism in the area, identification of issues related to services, administration of monuments, environmental elements, assessment of technical and financial feasibility of the Management Plan; (2021)
  • Project Proposal – Revitalization and management of the archaeological area of the tombs of Lower Selca, Cultural Monument of Category I – technical assessment of the site, assessment of environmental and infrastructural parameters, definition of a potential new site management scheme, in view of transformation its in an important tourist point in South-Eastern Albania; (2021)
  • Study project – development of the strategic corridor Tirana – Durrës, Durana, Lot 2


  • Reconstruction project of the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (today the Ministry of Interior);
  • Consulting service for “Safety Case” and transfer plan (migration plan) for the Air Flight Control Tower at Mother Teresa Airport, Tirana “. Cooperation with C&M Albania sh.pk.
  • Complete reconstruction project of the building of the Ministry of Infrastructure (today the Ministry of Infrastructure and Economy);
  • Complete reconstruction project of the offices of the Ministry of Finance and Economy;
  • Foreign assistance service for air safety oversight functions and development of CAA technical and professional capacities. Service performed in the period 2012 – 2014. The objective was:
    • development and conduction of inspections and audits frameworks for certification by and continuous supervision of aircraft operators and other aviation organizations, based on European regulatory framework and national standards, and in compliance with CAA procedures.
    • Periodic reports of inspectors to the CAA accompanied by recommendations for corrective actions.
    • On-the-job training for CAA inspectors.
    • Cooperation with C&M Albania sh.pk.
  • Conducting a study on the implementation of the navigation device “ILS” in RW. Service performed in 2015. A detailed study was conducted for the successful implementation of the ILS navigation device in the direction of RWY 36 at Rinas Airport. The study determined the position with the best solution, taking into account the terrain, equipment, existing facilities, buildings, development plans of the airport and the territory around the Airport by the Municipality of Rinas. Cooperation with C&M Albania sh.pk.
  • Reconstruction project of the building and offices of the Central Election Commission
  • Reconstruction project of the building and offices of the Prefecture of Tirana
  • Urban requalification of two public squares in the center of Tirana;
  • ARO sector automation study. Service performed in 2017. The aim was to address what are the possibilities for a process automation in the work activity of the ARO / INO sector, and how it can be achieved. Reflection of the operation concept for ARO and its development for the next 10 years. Cooperation with C&M Albania sh.pk.
  • Design Study, Requalification of Vlora Square in front of the City Hall building
  • Study Design for rehabilitation interventions in the streets of the Municipality of Tirana
  • Refresher of English language testers 64 KTA and AIS staff training in “Aviation English training” for 2 specialists “. Service performed in 2017. Training and certification of controllers and AIS staff in accordance with EC and Eurocontrol regulations and standards. The inspectors are obliged to have periodic training and certification for the English language and to respond to emergency procedures. Cooperation with C&M Albania sh.pk.
  • ATSEP staff training. Service performed in 2017. Initial training for 2 students to obtain basic knowledge of all areas required in the daily work of ATSEP. Includes Complete Basic Training, Shared, Combined COM and Combined SUR. Cooperation with C&M Albania sh.pk.
  • Specific training course for AIS, as well as training of English technical staff ATSEP (level 3). Service performed in 2018. Training and certification of specialists in the respective sectors, in accordance with EC and Eurocontrol regulations and standards. Cooperation with C&M Albania sh.pk.
  • Design study for partial asphalting of Teodor Keko street, Tirana
  • Study Design for the reconstruction of the Polytechnic University buildings (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Mathematical Engineering and Physical Engineering;
  • ATCO emergency refresh training. Service performed in 2018 for 76 KTA. Auditors were trained and certified in accordance with EC and Eurocontrol regulations and standards. Controllers have mandatory training and certification on English language and response to emergency procedures. Cooperation with C&M Albania sh.pk.
  • Training of control staff in APP Rating. Service performed in 2018. Training for 8 KTA with qualifications in ACS / RAD. Cooperation with C&M Albania sh.pk.
  • Training for young ATCOs in the basic course TWR and AERA for 2018. Service performed in 2018. Basic training of 10 candidates for KTA in accordance with European Commission Regulation no. 340/2015, Appendix 2, Annex 1. Cooperation with C&M Albania sh.pk.
  • Study Design for the reconstruction of the building of the General Directorate of the State Archive;
  • Urban requalification of the Old Bazaar square and restoration of the buildings around it, Korça Municipality;
  • Minimum segregation reduction study (+ Safety Assessment). Service performed in 2018. A study was conducted to determine the optimal conditions for reducing the minimum separation from 10Nm to 5NM over FL120 in Tirana FIR for IFR traffic. Using EUROCONTROL (ESASSP) standards and international equipment standards, the study determined the appropriate requirements that systems, procedures and people in Albcontrol must meet to ensure 5NM allocation in accordance with the NEW IPS (EU 1207/2011). Cooperation with C&M Albania sh.pk.
  • Design study of the tower GURTEN shpk and the business complex along the street “Kavaja”, Municipality of Tirana
  • Design study for reconstruction and supervision of works in the Palace of Congresses, Directorate of Government Services, Municipality of Tirana;
  • Consultancy contract with Eurocontrol. Service performed in 2018. The objective was to provide specialized financial consulting ALBCONTROL JSC, in relation to the basic cost design policies of the unit for 2019, as well as other financial issues, in Eurocontrol. Cooperation with C&M Albania sh.pk.
  • Study on navigation infrastructure for Kukes Airport. Service performed in 2018. The purpose was to develop the Concept of Operations for the implementation of Instrumental Flight Rules (IFR) at Kukes Airport, according to ICAO standards, current EU regulations, national regulations, as well as specifications and instructions. corresponding to EUROCONTROL. Cooperation with C&M Albania sh.pk.
  • Study to assess the requirements of safety, security, environment and technical aspects for Kukes airport. Service performed in 2018. The purpose was:
    • Identification of applicable requirements of ICAO standards, current EU regulations, national regulations as well as relevant EUROCONTROL specifications and guidelines.
    • Preparation of Safety Case for IFR operations at Kukes Airport.
    • Preparation of Safety Assessment for IFR operations at Kukes Airport.
    • Elaboration of Security Requirements for Albcontrol facilities and services at Kukes Airport and submission of the Security Assessment Report.
    • Elaboration of requests and environmental impact for Albcontrol equipment and services at Kukes Airport and submission of the environmental assessment report based on ISO standards.
    • Development of existing CNS / MET technical infrastructure for IFR operations at Kukes Airport.
    • Physical inspection, including but not limited to, cabling, labeling, installation. for VCS Garex 220, VCR Ricochet, DVOR, DME, Voice Touch Panel, Ground air communication, MET station and TWR system (ACAMS)
    • Cooperation with C&M Albania ltd.
  • Restoration project of the building “Kafja e Madhe”, Municipality of Shkodra
  • Study, reconstruction, reconstruction and supervision of works in the building of QTV, Shkodra Municipality
  • Making new RNAV department procedures from both tracks. Service performed in the period 2018 – 2019. New RNAV departure procedures (GNSS) were drafted at Tirana Airport for runways 17 and 35, in accordance with ICAO and Eurocontrol standards. Cooperation with C&M Albania ltd.
  • Design study – reconstruction of “Hotel Tomori”, Berat Municipality
  • Design study – reconstruction of “Hotel Onufri”, Berat Municipality
  • The project of preparation and publication of the World Aeronautic Chart-ICAO 1: 500 000. Service performed in the period 2018 – 2019. The drafting of the new Aeronautical Map – ICAO 1: 500 000, which covers the entire territory of Albania. This map will provide information to meet the requirements of low speed visual air navigation, for short or medium range operations at low and intermediate altitudes above sea level. Cooperation with C&M Albania ltd.
  • Design study – restoration of the chapel of the cemetery Rremaj, Municipality of Shkodra
  • Design study – restoration of the Catholic Church – Heart of Christ The Order of Jesus, Municipality of Tirana;
  • Training and implementation of the competency scheme for meteorological staff. Service performed in 2019. This consisted of training and evaluation of staff competencies for:
    • Continuous analysis and monitoring of the weather situation
    • Prediction of meteorological aeronautical phenomena and parameters
    • Warning of dangerous phenomena
    • Quality assurance of meteorological information and services
    • Communication of meteorological information for internal and external users
    • Cooperation with C&M Albania ltd.
  • Design study – reconstruction of the showroom jeweler “Pirro”, Municipality of Tirana;
  • Design study of the building of the Agency for Energy Efficiency, Municipality of Tirana;
  • Design study of the new multifunctional building of the Central Inspectorate, Municipality of Tirana
  • Design study – reconstruction of the building of the General Directorate of State Police, Municipality of Tirana
  • Design study of the new building of the Police Directorate and Commissariat, Dibër Municipality
  • Design study of the new building of the Police Directorate and Commissariat, Municipality of Elbasan
  • Design study of the new building of the Police Directorate and Commissariat, Shkodra Municipality
  • Design study of the new building of the Police Directorate and Commissariat, Kurbin Municipality;
  • Design study of the new building of the Police Commissariat No. 6, Kombinat, Municipality of Tirana;
  • Design study of the new building of the Administration and Local Directorate of Immigration, Municipality of Tirana
  • Study design of the new building of the Rapid Intervention Department, Shkodra Municipality
  • Design study for the reconstruction of the functional side and security of the building “Closed Polygon” in the Rapid Intervention Department, Municipality of Tirana
  • Design study of the new building of the Police Directorate and Commissariat, Saranda Municipality;
  • Design study for the completion of the investment of the Special Department Renea, Lot IV, Municipality of Tirana;
  • ATCO emergency refresh training for 2019. Service performed in 2019. Training and certification of 72 controllers in accordance with EC and Eurocontrol regulations and standards. The inspectors are obliged to have periodic training and certification for the English language and to respond to emergency procedures. Cooperation with C&M Albania ltd.
  • Cost consulting contract with Eurocontrol for 2020. Service performed in 2019. The objective was to provide specialized financial consulting ALBCONTROL JSC, in relation to the basic cost drafting policies of the unit for 2020, as well as issues of other financial, in Eurocontrol. Cooperation with C&M Albania ltd.
  • Residential complex design study, 8-9-10 Floors, Kavaja Street, Municipality of Tirana;
  • Residential complex design study 8-9 Floors, INERTI, street “5 Maji”, Municipality of Tirana;
  • Design study of the center “ADISA”, Kombinat, Municipality of Tirana;
  • Air navigation master plan of Vlora International Airport. Service performed in 2019. The design of the Air Traffic Control Tower to be built in VIA was completed. Drafting detailed technical requirements for the construction of the Tower. Master Plan for the navigation development of Vlora Airport as well as the feasibility study for the navigation services that will be performed at this airport. Cooperation with C&M Albania ltd.
  • Design study – reconstruction of the building of the Albanian Road Authority, Municipality of Tirana
  • New KTA training (Rating ACS / TWR) and English language. 2019 – 2020. Training of 10 new KTAs by certified instructors for
    • Aviation Law (LAW)
    • Air Traffic Management (ATM)
    • Meteorology (MET)
    • Navigim (NAV)
    • Aircraft (ACFT)
    • Human Factors (HUM)
    • Equipment and Systems (EQPS)
    • Work Environment (PEN)
    • Unusual / degraded / emergency situations /
    • aerodromes
    • Cooperation with C&M Albania ltd.
  • Cost consulting contract with Eurocontrol for 2021. Service performed in 2020. The objective was to provide specialized financial consulting ALBCONTROL JSC, in relation to the basic cost design policies of the unit for 2021, as well as issues of other financial, in Eurocontrol. Cooperation with C&M Albania ltd.
  • Study design of the new television building “REPORT TV” and the digital platform “Shqiptarja.com”, Municipality of Tirana;
  • ATSEP training contract for ITVP / VLE staff for Instructor and Assessor, ATSEP Basic training for 1 engineer, MET training for ATSEP staff, QFL com training and QFL Shared for ATSEP. Cooperation with C&M Albania ltd.
  • Cost consulting contract with Eurocontrol for 2022. Implementation service. The purpose is to provide specialized financial consulting ALBCONTROL JSC, in relation to the unit cost design policies for 2022, as well as other financial issues, in Eurocontrol. Cooperation with C&M Albania ltd.
  • Design study – reconstruction of the residence of the Ambassador of Switzerland in Albania, Municipality of Tirana;
  • Design study, new villa complex, Farke, Municipality of Tirana;
  • Design study for the reconstruction of the central building of KESH, sha.a, Municipality of Tirana
  • Design Study of the Asylum Seekers Center, Babrru, Municipality of Tirana
  • Design study of the hall and meeting room facilities, Raiffeissen Bank, Municipality of Tirana
  • Design study for BMB Concessionaire, Porto Romano, Durrës Municipality
  • Residential complex design study, “Splendor”, Municipality of Tirana
  • Study Design – reconstruction of the school “Larush Hajdar Hoxha”, Municipality of Kruja
  • Design study – reconstruction of the garden “Met Hasa”, Durrës Municipality
  • Design study – reconstruction of the high school “Llesh Nik Daka”, Municipality of Lezha
  • Design study – reconstruction of the garden “Ahmet Zogu”, Municipality of Kamza
  • Design study – reconstruction of the school “Ibrahim Basha”, Municipality of Kamza
  • Design study, – reconstruction of the garden “Jashar Hoxha”, Municipality of Kamza
  • Design study, – reconstruction of the kindergarten “Azem Hajdari”, Municipality of Kamza
  • Design study – reconstruction of the school “Sabaudin Gabrani”, Municipality of Tirana
  • Design study – reconstruction of the school “Ymer Lala”, Municipality of Tirana
  • Design study – construction of the gym of the high school “Ibrahim Hasmema”, Mullet, Municipality of Tirana
  • Design study – model building as the University Student Residence No. 1, Tirana
  • Technical study – development of engineering network for electricity supply in the center of Tirana in accordance with the Urban development of the Municipality of Tirana
  • Study and design of Engineering networks of TEG building, Municipality of Tirana
  • Design Study – Center for Clinical Biosimulation and Continuing Education for the University of Medicine, Tirana
  • Study Design – reconstruction of the air conditioning system of the Prime Ministry building, Tirana
  • Study Design – spatial transformation of Lungomare in Drymadhes, Dhërmi, Himara Municipality
  • Project Design – Repair of Kalat Ball No. 4 – Durrës Port Authority
  • Design Study – Reconceptualization of Quarantine in the Epidemiology Sector in APD (Durres Port Authority)
  • Service Contract – Drafting of hydrogeological projects for the Turhanas spring, for the Kostren 1 Water Supply, as well as for the Qafe Dardha spring for the Roshnik-Qereshnik Water Supply)
  • Design Study for Service Structure and Accommodation Agrotourism, Guesthouse 2 floors, located Fushe Studen – Borove, Municipality of Librazhd,
  • Service Contract – Preventive expert for calculating the limit fund for the project “Cultural Itineraries – Fishtian Trails” – National Agency of Territorial Planning
  • Study Design – Realization of the project of the student residential complex and auxiliary services, as well as a new gas station “BOLV OIL”


  • Project idea – conservation and restoration of Bashtova castle,
  • Conservation and restoration of the Church of Saint Mary, Voskopoja, Korça Municipality,
  • Conservation and restoration of the Church “Heart of Christ – Order of the Jesuits”, Municipality of Tirana, ARCHISPACE
  • Conservation and restoration of Rrmaj cemetery, Shkodra Municipality,
  • Conservation and restoration of the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Municipality of Tirana,
  • Restoration of the building of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, Municipality of Tirana,
  • Restoration and conservation of the building of the Prefecture of Tirana,
  • Restoration of the Palace of Congresses, Municipality of Tirana,
  • Restoration and conservation of the central building of the Polytechnic University of Tirana and the inner square, Municipality of Tirana,
  • Conservation, restoration and requalification of Korça Bazaar, the square and the surrounding buildings,
  • Restoration of the building of Kafe e Madhe, Municipality of Shkodra,
  • Restoration of the building “Vila Topalli”, Municipality of Shkodra,
  • Restoration of the building of the Central Election Commission, CEC, Municipality of Tirana,
  • Urban requalification of the square between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Infrastructure, part of the Historical Ensemble of the center of Tirana,
  • Urban requalification of the square at the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Tourism, part of the Historical Ensemble of the center of Tirana,
  • Urban requalification of “4 Heronjte” square, in front of the headquarters of the Municipality of Vlora, part of the historical area of the city of Vlora
  • Urban requalification of the street, buildings and Kinostudio Square, Lot 2, Municipality of Tirana. ARCHISPACE & SFERASTUDIO
  • Urban re-qualification of the street, building and Garibaldi Square, Kombinat, Lot 3, Municipality of Tirana. ARCHISPACE & SFERASTUDIO
  • Drafting the restoration project and supervising the works in the building of the Ministry of Culture, part of the building of the former Kinostudio “Shqipëria e Re”, Municipality of Tirana, (former Albafilmi)
  • Berat Management Plan, MPOB, Berat
  • Restoration project of the Vetting building (former Writers’ League), Municipality of Tirana,
  • The project of restoration of the spaces of the Technical Archive of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage, IKTK, the building of the former Kinostudio “Shqipëria e Re”, now the building of the Ministry of Culture, Municipality of Tirana, iRI & ARCHISPACE & FUSHA
  • The restoration project of the building of the National Academy of Sciences, Municipality of Tirana.
  • The restoration project of the building of the National Library, Fondi, Municipality of Tirana.
  • The project of restoration of the building of the Puppet Theater, the former seat of the first Albanian Parliament, Municipality of Tirana
  • The restoration project of the building of the former Kinostudio “Shqipëria e Re, now the seat of the Ministry of Culture, Municipality of Tirana
  • Drafting the project of reinforcing and rehabilitation interventions of the building of the former Politically Persecuted, Municipality of Tirana.
  • Design Study for the Restoration and Conservation of Drishti Castle, Shkodra Municipality
  • Design Study for the Restoration and Conservation of Kanina Castle, Vlora
  • Design Study of Kanine Center Square, Vlora
  • Study Design of Ardenica Square and surrounding systems, Street and Square
  • Design Study for the Revitalization of Pellumbasi Cave, Tirana


  • Supervision of technical procedures for the implementation of the project “Urban Requalification – Restoration of Dhërmi and Vuno villages”, in order to improve the tourist potential of the two areas, improve the living standards of residents and protect historical values ​​and cultural heritage; funding from the Albanian Development Fund, 2017-2019
  • Supervision of the technical processes of the project “Reconstruction of Ramize Gjebrea road, Phase 2, (Connection of Soda Forest road with the Trans-Balkan Road, Vlora)”, project funded by the Albanian Development Fund, 2018 – 2019;
  • Supervision of the works of the energy project for the installation of the Shunt Reactor and the extension of the 400 kV tract in the Sub-Station of Zëmblak, Municipality of Maliq;
  • Supervision of the works for the construction of the alarm system in the dams of the hydropower cascade of the river Drin;
  • Supervision of Works Road – Improvement of Access – Ring – in Areas with High Agricultural Activity of Myzeqe; Albanian Development Fund
  • Supervision of the works for the object “Renovation of the Road Axis Çerme – Divjake as well as the branches for the villages Grabian, Çerme, Shkumbin, Bishçukas, Dushkuçan, Hallvaxhias, Gërmenj I Madh
  • Supervision of energetic works for the Rehabilitation of tracts of 110kV and N / St 110 kV lines Fushë Arrëz, Puka;
  • Supervision of the works for the partial reconstruction of the Pediatric Emergency and the General Psychiatric Hospital Mother Teresa, Tirana
  • Supervision of asphalting works, Center “Bridge”
  • Supervision of the works for the reconstruction of the building of the National Inspectorate of Territorial Defense, Tirana
  • Supervision of the works for the reconstruction of the building of the Property Treatment Agency – Ministry of Justice, Property Treatment Agency;
  • Supervision of the works for the reconstruction of the schools “Kajo Karafili” Maminas, Municipality of Shijak, and the school “Arif Halil Sulaj”, Mamurras, Municipality of Kurbin, in the framework of reconstruction program after the 2019 earthquake damage; financier Albanian Development Fund
  • Supervision of the works of the project “Reconstruction of housing units in buildings, for the new areas for development, Thumanë, Municipality of Kruja”, financed by the Albanian Development Fund and the Foundation “Behgjet Pacolli”
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